Here’s what my arcade cab will eventually look like, once I get a chance to start working on it.
Arcade Cabinet Update: 2/2015
Not much progress yet.
I did manage to use PhotoShop to make the sideart for my cab. I had some empty space to spare, so I made a brushed metal-like surface for where the keyboard & mouse will sit when that panel is installed.
Arcade Cabinet Update: 1/2015
The winter weather has not been cooperating with my plans to go outside and cut wood for the arcade cabinet. So, I decided to start designing some of the graphics that I’ll use for the marquee, admin panel, and control panel.
I think I’ve settled on an Avengers theme. Here’s what my last couple days have been spent creating…

Arcade Cabinet Update: 12/2014
I’ve finally bought some of my building materials to get started on construction. I’ve also completely redone the original Sketchup plans, taking into more careful consideration how I’m actually going to assemble the cabinet (placement of furring strips, making sure all of the electronics will fit, etc).